

Physical Activity Promotion


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According to OECD data from 2014, 14.5% of Spaniards are obese and it is estimated that 46.7% are overweight. It is also estimated that one in five Spaniards will be obese in 2030.

Food with a high-fat and low-fibre content and a lack of regular exercise are the main causes of obesity and its associated diseases. Physical exercise strengthens the body and increases the release of serotonin, which affects mood and helps regulate the sleep cycle.

Scientific evidence shows that regular physical exercise has numerous benefits for physical and mental health, which results in a better quality of life. The WHO recom-mends at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.



  • Develop health policies that foster physical activity, taking advantage of the net-work of facilities.
  • Raise the public’s awareness of the benefits of regular physical exercise and activities that foster good health.
  • Promote facilities as spaces that encourage and facilitate daily physical exercise in order to foster healthy habits and an active lifestyle.


  • Be familiar with the Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Health through Physical Activity and Healthy Eating (PAAS) prepared by the Government of Catalonia’s Ministry of Health in response to the increase in the number of obese and overweight people, developed in accordance with the WHO’s global strategy and the NAOS strategy.
  • Use posters and motivational signs to encourage people to use the stairs instead of the lift. Motivational information should be installed at strategic, visible points of the building, such as reception, next to the lifts and on the stairs.
  • Install bicycle parking areas next to the entrances of facilities that are safe and under surveillance in order to encourage people to travel by bicycle. Walking and cycling are highly effective ways of integrating physical activity into your daily routine. Moreover, this type of activity is associated with lower levels of diabetes, blood pressure, overweight and obesity.
  • Install, wherever possible, bicycle parking at a maximum distance of 25 m from the building’s main entrance. The parking area should guarantee a minimum number of spots, corresponding to 5% of the building’s frequent occupants.


Information only available in Catalan






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Date of last update:
dc., 12 de maig 2021 04:46:53 +0000