It EXITS Day Local Mesh SITMUN. The geographic data, a tool for the public management

Bloc 1 – Projects SIG: Extracting the potential of the SITMUN
We identify the elements affected by the law of prevention of forest fires
Pilar Raïch - Technical Office Municipal Prevention Forest Fires and Agrarian Development of the Deputation of Barcelona -
We facilitate the management of the houses of tourist use
Guillem Closa - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local -
We aid at the follow-up of the Asiatic wasp and his local management
Daffodil Vicens - Kick of Environment of Girona's Deputation
Bloc 2 – The paper of the data at the management of the territory
The local topographic cartography and his products derived
Miguel Mejías and Robert Bordonada - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local -
The sectorial geographic information:
Photovoltaic potential at ceiling for the energetic transition
Pablo Cifuentes - Technical Office of Climatic Change and Sustainability of the Deputation of BarcelonaCatalogue of urbanisations with deficits urbanístics of the demarcation
Violeta Campdepadrós Foguet - Kick of Urbanisme of Barcelona's DeputationMunicipal civil protection: DUPROCIM
Esther Morancho - Office of Activities Regulated and Programs at Civil Protection of the Deputation of BarcelonaMap of terrestrial habitats province of Barcelona. Characteristics and apps>
Carles Dalmases - Kick of Analysis and Territorial Management, Reversals and Works of the Deputation of Barcelona
Bloc 3 – Tools and tricks of the IDEBarcelona
The portal of open data of the IDEBarcelona: transparency and reuse
Maribel Jové - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local -
The geoportals municipal: the point of entry at data and geographic resources
Elisabet Cuadras - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local -
The metadata: it discovers how are the data
Montse Marco - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local -
Questions more frequent: how we can you aid
David Martínez - Technical Office of Cartography and SIG Local