

ODS 9. Built resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

This SDG aims to develop reliable, sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructures. It calls for them to be sustainable, for their economic and social benefits to be clear and for their access to be affordable and equitable.

SDG 9 also aims to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization through clean technologies and processes, and for this industry to contribute to a substantial increase in employment and GDP. On the other hand, we must promote innovation and reduce the digital divide if we want to guarantee equal access to information and knowledge.

9.1 Develop reliable infrastructures, sustainable, resilients and of quality, including regional infrastructures and transfrontereres, for such to lean at the economic development and at the human welfare, with special attention at the affordable fit and equitatiu for all the persons.
9.2 Promote an inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and, at every take the 2030, augment of significant way the contribution of the industry at the occupancy and at the soiled indoor product, of chord with the national circumstances, and duplicate this contribution at the less countries advanced.
9.3 Augment the fit of the #small industries and other companies, in particular at the developing countries, at the financial kicks, including the affordable credits, and the integration at the chains of value and the markets.
9.4 For 2030, modernise the infrastructures and reconvert the industries so that they are sustainable, using the resources with more efficacy and promoting the adoption of techs and #clean industrial processes and rational environmentally, and achieving that all the countries adopt sizes of chord with the respective capacities.
9.5 Augment the scientific inquest and improve the technological capacity of the industrial sectors of all the countries, in particular the developing countries, among of other manners fostering the innovation and augmenting substantially, of here at the 2030, the number of persons that work at the area of the inquest and the development for each million of inhabitants, as well as the expense at inquest and development of the public and private sectors.
9.6 Facilitate the development of sustainable infrastructures and resilients at the developing countries by means of more financial support, technological and technical at the African countries, less countries advanced, developing countries without seaboard and #small developing insular states.
9.7 Lean at the development of techs, inquest and national innovation at the developing countries, guaranteeing also some favourable normative surroundings at the industrial diversification and the addition of value at the basic products, among of others.
9.8 Augment of significant form the fit at the techs of the information and the communication and encourage at providing universal and affordable fit at Internet at the less countries advanced at every take the 2020.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

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