Sol·licitud de reproducció de documents



The General Archive applies the technical criteria of reproduction more suitable for each type of document. The taxes associated at this kick approved by Barcelona's Deputation contemplate two aspects:

  • The kicks of reproduction of textual documents, maps and layouts, printed and artistic production, photographic, audiovisual and audible. Also the anonimització of textual documents.
  • The royalties patrimonials of the documentation reproduced of which Barcelona's Deputation has the royalties of exploitation, is to say for the royalties of reproduction, public communication, diffusion and transformation, as it stipulates at the Law of valid Intellectual Property.

We have of a tariff reduced of app at students and entities without spirit of lucre conveniently accredited.

Fit at the Tariff of taxes approved by Barcelona's Deputation

Fit at the Request of reproduction of documents

The request of reproduction of the footage for other distinct uses of the specified, will have to address at the General Archive of the Deputation of Barcelona.

Can make reproductions with digital camera or mobile devices at the room of query, with the previous permission of the personnel of the archive and always that they do not exist legal motifs or of conservation of the documents that impede it.