
What are the SDGs?


The United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on 25 September 2015. Its aims include wiping out poverty, fighting inequality and tackling climate change. This agenda will chart global action for development to 2030 and, together with the other global agendas, will act as a road map towards a common goal: sustainable global development.

The 2030 Agenda is an integrated and universally applicable multi-dimensional programme, based on the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. It will be implemented through 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) aimed at tackling major global challenges, including poverty, climate change, education, health, gender equality, peace and sustainable cities. Each SDG contains a range of targets (169 in total) that contribute to achieving the goal.


The Diary 2030 has a universal scope and entrusts at all the countries, independently of his levels of renda and his situation at matter of development, that contribute at a global effort in favour of the sustainable development. The Diary applies with permanent nature and at all the countries and contexts.

Not letting nobody back

The Diary 2030 pretends redundar for the benefit of all and engages at not letting nobody back, reaching all those persons needed and marginalised, are where are, for such to respond at problems and specific vulnerabilities. This mission generates an unprecedented demand of local data desglossades to analyse the results and make a follow-up of the headways.

Interconnection and indivisibilitat

The Diary 2030 sustenta at the nature interconnected and indivisible of his 17 ODS. It is crucial that all the responsible entities of the achievement of the ODS accost the ones entirely, instead of focusing them like a list of individual aims among which can elect .


The Diary 2030 makes a call at the turnout of all the segments of the society, independently of his race, genus, ethnic band and identity, so that they contribute at his app.

Cooperation among Parthian multiples interested

The Diary 2030 makes a call at the creation of alliances among Parthian multiples interested for the mobilisation and the exchange of kens, experience, tech and financial resources that contribute at the achievement of the ODS at all the countries.

Els ODS incideixen en cinc esferes d’importància crítica de l’Agenda, les anomenades 5 P: Persones (People), Pau (Peace), Planeta (Planet),Prosperitat (Prosperity) i Aliances (Partnership).

Persones (People). Posar fi a la pobresa i la fam en totes les seves formes i assegurar la dignitat i la igualtat de totes les persones. En aquest apartat s'engloben els ODS següents:

ODS 1. Fi de la pobresa

ODS 2. Fam zero

ODS 3. Salut i benestar

ODS 4. Educació de qualitat

ODS 5. Igualtat de gènere

Planeta (Planet). L'Agenda 2030 pretén protegir els recursos naturals del planeta i combatre el canvi climàtic per assegurar un ambient digne per a les generacions futures:

ODS 6. Aigua neta i sanejament

ODS 12. Producció i consum responsables

ODS 13. Acció pel clima

ODS 14. Vida submarina

ODS 15. Vida d'ecosistemes terrestres

Prosperitat (Prosperity). Assegurar que tothom pugui gaudir d'una vida pròspera i plena en harmonia amb la natura. Aquí s’inclouen:

ODS 7. Energia neta i assequible

ODS 8. Treball decent i creixement econòmic

ODS 9. Indústria, innovació i infraestructures

ODS 10. Reducció de desigualtats

ODS 11. Ciutats i comunitats sostenibles

Pau (Peace). Fomentar societats pacífiques, justes i inclusives és essencial per a l'Agenda 2030:

ODS 16. Pau, justícia i institucions sòlides

Aliances (Partnership). Implementar l'Agenda 2030 a través d'aliances globals sòlides:

ODS 17. Aliança per assolir els Objectius

Commemoració de l'Agenda 2030
Mapa d'experiències locals
Banc d'Accions Formatives
Espai d'intercanvi en Agenda 2030
Visor 2030

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