The Catalogue of resources, for the year 2025, includes 316 resources and has an initial endowment of 226 million of euros, that increases at 57,6 million with regard to the 2024. At pool, the offer of the 14 Areas of the Deputation distributes at 124 technical resources (39%), 115 economic (37%) and 77 materials (24%), that integrate the necessities and proposals of improvement manifested by the local bodies and align strategically with Diary 2030 for the sustainable development, as well as with the urban and rural diaries for the achievement of territories resilients and integradors.

The Catalogue agglutinates the assistance and juridical cooperation, economic and technical at the townships with varied perspectives to favour a complete and integral assistance at the necessities of the territory, already was to harden the own local administration, coadjuvar at the provision of the kicks and the realisation of activities or with the aim to foster the headway and social development, economic and environmental venue of chord with the reality and ongoing challenges.

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Catàleg 2024-2027







Coordinació de Cooperació i Assistència Local
Direcció de Serveis de Cooperació Local

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 Rambla de Catalunya, 126, 08008 Barcelona
Edifici Can Serra
Tel. 934 022 209