29/06/2021 09:48 h.

30 of June 2021| World Day of the social meshes


Like you imply you at your children's digital nurture and daughters?

Since the Centre SPOTT join us at the remembrance of the World Day of the social meshes, that celebrates since 2010 with the aim that the social meshes are tools that permit at the populace a main and better communication. We want to highlight the importance of the family at the children's digital nurture and daughters to prevent risks and promote the healthy use of the social meshes.

Your children are at the social meshes? Connect. It is one videocàpsula elaborated by the Centre SPOTT, addressed at the families with the aim to offer information of the benefits and risks of the social meshes. The videocàpsula goes accompanied of a material of specific recommendations that can discharge clicking here.


These technical and material supports respond at the Aims of Sustainable Development (ODS) number 3. Health and Welfare. "Guarantee a healthy life and promote the welfare for all the persons at all the ages" and number 4. Nurture of quality. “Guarantee an inclusive nurture, equitativa and of quality and promote opportunities of learning during all the life for everybody”. The seventeen ODS were proclaimed by the General Assembly of #United Nations the September 25, 2015 and form part of the global diary for 2030. Barcelona's the Deputation assumes the fulfillment and deploys his act of support at the local governances of the province of chord with these ODS.

For more information can consult the following guides elaborated by Common Without Media: