21/03/2022 10:26 h.

Exposure for the prevention of the drogodependències Control?


New exposures at the Masnou and Gelida.

The exposure will be installed at the Masnou among the 10 of March and the 6 of April at Ca Humet of Monday at Friday of 9:30 h at 17 h for concerted visits and of 17 at 20 h opened at the public.

Until the moment have programmed 4 visits guided and 4 workshops at the classroom with adolescents and youngsters of the IES Lluïs Millet and the INS Maremar.

At Gelida, will be installed among the 16 of March and the 5 of April at the Civic Centre of the Abattoir of Monday at Friday of 9:30 h at 14:30 h for concerted visits and Tuesday and Thursday of 15:30 at 19 h opened at the public.

Until the moment have programmed 19 visits guided and 17 workshops at the classroom with adolescents and youngsters of ESO and batxillerat of the IES Gelida. It is foreseen that they pass some 450 adolescents and youngsters of the township. Also it has programmed a formative session for big persons.

This exposure, inaugurated the month of April of 2012, has passed for 100 townships and has been visited by a total of 50.316 persons, of which 41.198 have been teenage and youngsters of among 12 and 18 years.

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