Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Healthy Cities generator

Rofin, M., et al.

Link to the resource: https://healthycitiesgenerator.com/

Web application
Target population:
Local administrations and citizen associations

Support decision-making on urban planning by incorporating the health perspective.


Through a questionnaire on 5 themes (density, mobility and transport, mixed uses and proximity, environment and urban landscape, and housing and energy), different aspects of the current state of a neighbourhood and various project alternatives are assessed. At the end of the questionnaire, a “result” is produced in the form of a spider diagram that allows easy visualisation of the areas in which the project is strongest and the areas that can be improved.

The criteria are qualitative and do not include quantitative “ranges”, so the result for each determinant of health can be negative-low-medium-high.

Opportunities and limitations:

This is based on an extensive compilation and review of recent scientific evidence, and the contribution of specialised technicians to agree on the criteria from a practical point of view.

The format is accessible and visually appealing.

The theme is fundamentally urban planning, so it is most suitable for use by technicians.

The assessment of the criteria addressed in the tool and the final result are qualitative not quantitative.

Is the maximum height of buildings maintained between ground floor + 3 floors and ground floor + 5 floors?
Does the ratio of economic activity per hectare increase?
Is the connection with/between green areas improving?
Is interconnection with active mobility networks planned?
Does the action increase or improve access to blue spaces?
Are measures planned to guarantee access to housing?
Cohesion and social capital Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Equipment and services Housing and neighbourhood communities
Link to health:
Social Physical Mental
Scale of the field of study:
Neighbourhood (or higher)
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: