Mental Well-being Impact Assessment: A Toolkit for Wellbeing (MWIA)
Link to the resource:
- Format:
- Guide
- Target population:
- General population and population in vulnerable situations
- Objetive:
Assess, with community involvement, the impact of a mental health project to ensure that it has the maximum equitable impact on people’s mental well-being.
- Methodology:
Study whether the project or intervention affects the following four key areas of mental health: empowerment, increasing resilience and community assets, facilitating participation, and promoting inclusion.
It includes a series of tables for prior evaluation (screening), templates for the identification of relevant indicators, questionnaires, checklists, workshops with different agents (qualitative data), and profiling of areas and population groups and/or communities that are affected (quantitative data).
- Opportunities and limitations:
Applicability to multiple types of projects, both pre- and post-intervention.
It provides two levels of application, with an initial pre-evaluation to assess whether the project requires a more in-depth study.
The second level requires a high degree of collaboration and consensus of the group to design the criteria, parameters, etc. It can be used independently and in addition to a health impact assessment (HIA) or environmental impact assessment (EIA).
- Indicators:
Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality/neighbourhood. Green area/inhabitant. Participation of young people in positive activities. Number of people using the public library. Number of people in a situation of dependency. Percentage of people who do not speak the local language. Percentage of people who feel they belong in the neighbourhood.
- Thematic:
- Housing and neighbourhood communities Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital
- Link to health:
- Mental
- Scale of the field of study:
- Housing / street / building / bounded public space Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher)
- Implementation phase:
- Diagnosis / pre-project Implementation Monitoring and evaluation
- Methodological approach:
- Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire