Diputació de Barcelona
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Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Patis Coeducatius. Guia per a la transformació feminista dels espais educatius.

Collective Point 6 Coeducation

Link to the resource: https://www.punt6.org/books/patis-coeducatius/

Target population:
Local administrations, citizen associations, children and adolescents

This guide is aimed at all people who are interested in introducing a feminist perspective in the playground, to work from this space on the co-educational transformation of school and educational spaces.

It is a methodological proposal for change and reflection that provides tools for making this transformation in the community.


First, the entire educational community is involved to initiate a process of awareness of the playground as an educational space and time in which gender roles are often reproduced, both in the design of the playground, its use and the relationships that are generated.

Then, the relationships and use of the playground are observed, analysed, and reflected on from an intersectional gender perspective, using techniques such as systematic observation, student questionnaires or experiential mapping.

Thirdly, it is decided jointly how to respond to the needs identified in the diagnostic phase, with the definition of specific concrete actions and transformations.

The entire transformation process is monitored, including an initial and final evaluation.

Opportunities and limitations:

The guide covers the entire process: from conception to evaluation and monitoring once the transformation has been carried out.

It allows an issue as cross-cutting as feminism in educational spaces to be addressed with all the actors who are part of the educational community (teachers, students and families).

The physical, functional and social dimensions are addressed.

It involves “learning by experience”, so the pre- and post-intervention evaluation is essential to extract relevant data on its effectiveness.

Number of children in the playground.
Elements present in the playground (e.g. swings, basketball hoops, etc.).
Level of teacher involvement in playground activities.
Level of spatial segregation by gender.
Type and number of conflicts that occur in the playground.
Are spaces available for tranquillity and privacy?
Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Implementation Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach:
Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire