Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

People Moving Count (plug-in for measuring urban experiences of young children)

Gehl Institute & Bernard van Leer Foundation

Link to the resource: https://bernardvanleer.org/app/uploads/2018/10/Urban95-Field-Guide.pdf

Target population:
Children and adolescents

To register people moving through a space.

This tool is a version of the People Moving Count that is focused on the young population (infants, children) and their caregivers.


Observation technique that consists of recording, in 10-minute periods, how many people cross an invisible line that intersects the study space. The number of people crossing this line is recorded, distinguishing between babies, children up to 5 years, caregivers and others.

It is also recorded whether the person is walking, cycling, has reduced mobility, is using a pushchair, is being transported by another, etc.

Opportunities and limitations:

This tool provides information on the use of a public space at different times of the day by babies, children and their caregivers, and how accessible it is by different modes of transport.

The guide provides resources for the tool’s deployment, such as templates for records.

As it is part of a package of tools focused on the young population, it can be complemented with them.

Number of babies who cross the study space.
Number of children up to 5 years old who cross the study space.
Number of caregivers of minors.
Number of pregnant women.
Number of pushchairs used when crossing the study space.
Number of children transported in the arms of their caregivers.
Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility
Link to health:
Physical Social
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: