Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Salurban: criteris per a un planejament saludable i sostenible

Generalitat de Catalunya & ISGlobal

Link to the resource: https://mediambient.gencat.cat/web/.content/home/ambits_dactuacio/avaluacio_ambiental/eines-jornades-documentacio/eines/salurban/Salurban_Eng.pdf

Downloadable questionnaire
Target population:
Local administrations, citizen associations and general population

It addresses various planning principles such as land use, connectivity between streets, building density, traffic and mobility, and green and public open spaces.

It consists of a checklist with ranges and/or indicators, which are mainly quantitative, based on available scientific evidence and agreed with technicians through a co-creation process.


It accosts several principles of planning like uses of the soil, connectivity among streets, density edificatòria, trance and mobility, and the unripe open rooms and publics.

It consists at a checklist with ranks and/or indicators, predominately quantitative, based at the available scientific evidence and consensuats with technicians by means of a process of co-creation.

Opportunities and limitations:

It contributes to a diagnosis of the field of study from the perspective of urbanism and health.

While the criteria are fully applicable to all municipalities and scales, the ranges/indicators are considered applicable to municipalities with over 40,000 inhabitants.

Percentage of total land area allocated to green and public open spaces.
Number and diversity of destinations close to a green and public open space.
Number of dead ends.
Width of sidewalks.
Distance between bus, metro, tram and train stops.
Potential conflicts between means of transport.
Homogeneity and continuity of the bicycle network.
Height of buildings.
Distance between homes and bike lanes.
Number of homes per hectare.
Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility
Link to health:
Physical Mental
Scale of the field of study:
Neighbourhood (or higher)
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: