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This section covers the need for correct ventilation in the home as a factor to consider due to its positive health consequences.

Ventilation is necessary to maintain the quality of the interior air in homes. It should be taken into account that without correct ventilation, depending on the time of year, there may be energy losses. However, if natural thermal inertias are taken advantage of, the environmental quality can be improved and the energy consumption of homes can be reduced (see 5.4.1. Uncontrolled Heat Exchanges)

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Proper ventilation reduces pollutants (cooking food, odours, showers, domestic cleaning sprays, cigarette smoke, reducing the concentration of radon gas...), improves the quality of interior air and reduces respiratory pathologies. At the same time, suitable ventilation prevents damp, and therefore, the appearance of fungus and mould in the home and the production of fungal toxins that can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions (see "Damp").

Moreover, for good passive climate control of the interior of homes, it is advisable to use cross ventilation as a comfort factor that circulates air between two facades facing in different directions and enables the regulation of the interior temperature. Cross ventilation with a solar control and regulation system prevents or reduces the need to install artificial air-conditioning systems and, therefore, reduces the generation of pollutants that can affect public health (see "Sources of Environmental Risk").

Climate change is generating a major need for buildings with the capacity to passively resolve comfort using bioclimatic strategies. In the different climate areas of Catalonia there is an estimated potential of 30 to 90% of achieving comfort in the summer solely using passive ventilation.



  •  Improve the interior environmental quality of the home and therefore the quality of life of its residents.
  • Raise the user’s awareness of the importance of correct ventilation without generating energy losses.


Proposals and recommendations for users

  • Make active and adequate use of the home’s natural ventilation systems:
    • In summer control the entry of heat to keep the home cool. Close windows and darken rooms during the day to protect against the heat and open at night to take advantage of the cooler hours to keep the interior temperature and the temperature of the walls, floors and ceilings down.
    • In winter, ventilating the house for five minutes a day is enough to guarantee the renewal of air and minimise energy losses. During the day open the curtains to let direct sunlight in; at night it is preferable to close shutters and blinds to increase the thermal insulation of the glass, which is the point where most cold enters. One day a week ventilate for 20 minutes, preferably during hours of natural sunlight.
  • Have the necessary natural ventilation surface area in the interior of the home. If this is not sufficient, the installation of artificial ventilation systems will be necessary.
  • Have openings that favour cross ventilation in the home.
    • Achieve spaces where the distance run by the air current between two opposing facade openings is at least five times the free height between floors. In the case of unilateral ventilation the distance must be at the most twice the free height.
    • The empty spaces on the exterior wall of a room must be at least 5% of the useful surface of the room.
  • In the case of a new build or a renovation with energy efficiency criteria, where it is airtight enough to prevent air infiltrations (see "Uncontrolled Heat Exchanges") it makes sense to install mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, or what is also known as double flow ventilation (see reference experiences in this section). This system allows the air quality to be controlled in an energy efficient manner, achieving levels of comfort and air purity that are highly beneficial to health and vital for people with respiratory problems.

Proposals and recommendations for the administration

Everyone can analyse their ventilation habits and door, window and curtain management and make improvements. Councils can act on the local level in this respect through:

  • Awareness campaigns, public dissemination and education to provide information about the benefits of good ventilation that prevents energy gains in summer and energy losses in winter. It must provide users with the results of good management (energy savings, thermal comfort, etc.).
  • Control of the adaptation of new build and major renovation projects to the need for suitable natural ventilation.
  • Incorporation of municipal by-laws with criteria that enable the improvement of energy efficiency of homes in a passive manner: natural ventilation, cross ventilation, shafts, ventilation chimneys, etc.


Information only available in Catalan



  • Sistema de doble flux per a la ventilació d’habitatges. Mètode que extreu l'aire viciat de la cuina i dels banys, i que simultàniament, agafa aire nou de l'exterior i l’insufla en els dormitoris i els salons. Mitjançant un recuperador de calor s´aprofita l´energia tèrmica acumulada a l´aire viciat abans de ser expulsat per cedir-la al nou aire que es distribuirà temperat a dins de l’habitatge reduint el consum d´energia. A més, el recuperador disposa de filtres que redueixen la presencia de partícules contaminants a l´aire d´admissió. 
  • Programa d’auditories de pobresa energètica de la diba. Formació i informació als usuaris sobre la correcta ventilació.
  • IV Encuentro Edificación – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Conferencia de Santiago Pascual (SIBER ZONE) sobre la qualitat de l´aire interior com a experiència pràctica de rehabilitació integral d´edificis. 
  • L’estàndard passivhaus. Metodologia de disseny i construcció d‘edificis de molt baixa demanda energètica. Un dels principis bàsics d’aquesta metodologia és la ventilació mecànica amb recuperador de calor. En la web vinculada es publiquen edificacions construïdes a partir d’aquest estàndard.
  • Habitatges Eco barri BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development). Aquest projecte té unes xemeneies de ventilació orientables que permeten un sistema passiu de renovació de l’aire sense consum elèctric. També incorporen ventilació a través del sistema de recuperació de calor. 





  • Àmbit Habitatge. Ús i manteniment dels habitatges. Fitxa 5.4.3: Humitats
  • Àmbit Habitatge. Ús i manteniment dels habitatges.. Fitxa 5.4.1. Intercanvis energètics no controlats.
  • Àmbit Equipaments. Condicions saludables. Fitxa E08: Qualitat de l'aire interior.
  • Àmbit Planificació Urbana. Medi ambient, canvi climàtic i sostenibilitat. Fitxa PU 12. Qualitat de l'aire.

More information about addressing the Public Health Service:

Date of last update:
dt., 11 de maig 2021 13:28:21 +0000